Windows Live Film Maker lets you trim individual clips — remove pieces at the beginning or cease of the clip to make it shorter. Trimming a clip in Windows Live Movie Maker allows you lot to use but the all-time part of a prune in your motion-picture show.

Windows vii doesn't include Windows Movie Maker automatically. You need to go online and download it as part of the free Windows Live Essentials Pack from the Windows Live Web site.

  1. Open the project containing the clip you desire to trim. Click the Edit tab and then the Trim icon.


    You see the Trim window.

  2. Click the clip you want to trim, and then click the Play push.

    Find the slider moving along as the clip progresses.

  3. When y'all reach the point where you want to trim, click the Pause push button.

  4. Move either the starting or catastrophe trim indicator against the slider, depending on whether you want to trim the showtime or end of the prune.

    You can elevate the slider left or right at any fourth dimension to locate the trim points precisely

    To trim both the showtime and the finish of a item clip, set the left trim indicator using the method above. Then click Play again and when you come to the point you desire to be the finish, click Suspension over again. Slide the right trim indicator against the slider.

  5. When you have the trim points set with the trim indicators, click the Save and Close icon in the upper-right corner.

    WLMM displays your trimmed prune, merely it too keeps the clips intact. Then, if you ever change your heed and want to "un"trim the clip, echo Steps 2, iii and four merely slide the trim indicator back to its original location.

To suit the length of time that a still (photo) appears in the movie, click on the still, click the Edit tab, and in the Duration drop-downwards box, select the length of time that you desire the still to appear.

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About the book author:

Woody Leonhard describes himself as a "Windows victim." Since 1992, he's been sharing the solutions to his ain tech problems with millions of readers. In addition to writing several books in the For Dummies series, Woody is a Contributing Editor for Windows Secrets newsletter. He also runs his own web log at

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